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FARBENVIELFALT | VARIETY OF COLOURS Alle abgebildeten Farben/Strukturen nicht bindend All printed colours/structures cannot be regarded as binding Farbauswahl zeitlich vorbehalten Colour selection: subject to change without notice 12/2019 Akzentfarben | Accent colours Basisfarben | Basic colours 01 Strukturlack metallic, sand Textured metallic paint, sand 02 Strukturlack metallic, silber Textured metallic paint, silver 03 Strukturlack metallic, anthrazit Textured metallic paint, anthracite 04 Strukturlack metallic, rost Textured metallic paint, rust 27 58 54 schneeweiss snow white grau-weiss grey white vanille vanilla elfenbein ivory 39 rosenholz rosewood 28 59 kieselstein pebble 70 altrosa dusky rose 60 steingrau stone grey 44 zement cement 66 granit granite 37 schieferschwarz slate black 46 schwarz black 49 kakao cacao 68 51 30 jade jade stahlblau steel blue nachtblau night blue 40 43 47 tomatenrot tomato red weinrot wine red brombeere blackberry 35 indisch gelb indian yellow 53 salbei sage 12